Monday, March 05, 2007

Some people!

I post on a number of discussion forums online. It's a hobby, of sorts. I run into all sorts of people in the process, many of them decent folks. Some have even become good friends of mine over the years.

But it's the idiots that make me want to hurl my laptop out the nearest window.

What is it about online discussion that brings every shortsighted, one-note moron out of the woodwork? And why is it that they invariably pick me to try to foist their low-wattage viewpoints on? Anyone who knows me well, be it in "real" life or online, knows that I do not suffer fools gladly. Oh, I try to be nice, but after a while, I have to just tell them the truth: that they couldn't find their asses if you spotted them a map and both hands. Really, shouldn't the internet have something along the lines of those signs you see at amusement parks, showing the minimum height one must be to ride certain rides? You know, like, "Your IQ must be at least room temperature for an igloo in the Arctic Circle in January if you want to join in Discussion X." Seems to me that this would be kinder not only to those of us with the intelligence to engage in actual meaningful discussions, but also to those who would be spared having to be told a dozen times a day what morons they are.

At the very least, it would save them having to continually look up "ignoramus" in the dictionary to figure out if I was paying them a compliment or not.