Friday, December 21, 2007

Our children is learning... that candidacy and idiocy can go hand in hand

Got this golden nugget of goodness from Eschaton. Enjoy!

Report Shows Voting Machines Easy to Hack

As if we hadn't suspected that all along.

From BoingBoing's Gadget department: Link

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Random Memage

I rarely do memes, but let's face it: I've been running on mental fumes lately, which means that I haven't been posting much. Since I don't want to just leave this space blank for the duration, here's a meme I got from a friend of mine. Enjoy. Or not.

1. My ex: Husband? Don't have one. Significant Other? Which one?
2. I talk: A lot. Some of it even makes sense.
3. I love: When a plan comes together.
4. I have: Lots of ideas.
5. I've lost: Probably a few of my marbles. Life will do that sometimes.
6. I hate it when: I screw up.
7. Marriage: Takes work, but is worth it. Also, is in my plans for 2008.
8. Somewhere, someone is thinking: Why won't people use their turn signals?
9. I'll always be: Trying.
10. I have a crush on: Rik Emmett or Jamie Fraser, depending on whether you were expecting me to pick a real or a fictitious person.
11. The last time I truly cried was: Out of frustration.
12. My cell phone is: Silver, with butterfly stickers.
13. When I wake up in the morning I: Make coffee, so that I can be at least somewhat functional and coherent.
14. Before I go to sleep at night I: Read, usually.
15. Right now I am thinking about: This meme.
16. Babies: Are adorable.
17. I get on Myspace: Only by accident these days.
18. Today I: Have more things I need to do than I have hours/energy to do them.
19. Tonight I will: Hopefully sleep MUCH better than I did last night.
20. Tomorrow I will: Win the lottery, I hope.
21. I really want to: Win the lottery. (Do you sense a pattern here?)
22. The person I love most is: D.