Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Do I really need another blog?

So I wasn't going to start a blog here. I set up a LiveJournal account last year, posted a couple of times, and then sort of let it slide. Then I started a MySpace page last month, and though I don't blog on it much it does provide me some contact with other friends who have pages of their own there. Then a friend of mine started blogging here at Blogspot.com, and I've found myself commenting on his posts. Since the system here seems to like taking comments more easily from other Blogspot.com members, I figured, "what the hell, I'll set up over here too."

So here I am. Interestingly enough, my lack of input on my other pages is not due to my having nothing to say; far from it. Just ask my friends at Beliefnet's Church & State Issues, U.S. Politics, Origins of Life or other discussion boards, the Callahan's community online (I access the alt.callahans Usenet group via my browser's newsreader or via Google Groups), or even this message board, among others.

Nope, my cats may have my love, but not my tongue... er... keyboard.

So maybe my problem is that I vent everything on the messageboards instead of saving something for my own corner of the 'Net. Well, maybe so. And maybe it's time for me to try to change that.