Thursday, July 13, 2006

Well, heck... I could've told you that!

You Belong in London

You belong in London, but you belong in many cities... Hong Kong, San Francisco, Sidney. You fit in almost anywhere.
And London is diverse and international enough to satisfy many of your tastes. From curry to Shakespeare, London (almost) has it all!

Actually, another place I think I'd probably enjoy would be Edinburgh, Scotland. And we're actually planning a move to Toronto, Ontario for sometime in the next 2-3 years if we can manage it... not European, but definitely cosmopolitan and interesting. Sort of like Chicago, but on an easier budget.

(x-posted 1, 2)


Anonymous said...

Just so's you know Summer, I live in London ON which is only a couple hours drive from Toronto (now if I only had a car!) and Marg Whittledon (sp?) lives somewhere nearish to TO.

Ree from Callahan's.

Summerbythelakeside said...

Hey, I'm going to be in Leamington in September for a party, and also (on a separate trip) in Toronto on Labor Day and for a couple of days afterward.

Hmmmm... a Callahanian meetup might be in the offing at some point. We visit Canada at least twice a year if not more often. :-)

Summerbythelakeside said...

Oh, and that move to Toronto I mentioned? I should probably explain that my honey (hubby as of this time next year) are planning to emigrate from the U.S. Hopefully we'll be able to begin via a transfer with his company and then apply for PR from inland, but if not, then we'll do our application from this side of the border... either way, we really want to live there. That's our favorite city.

Anonymous said...

Neat. Yeah a get-together would be cool. Now I just have to get employed so I can do it! :)

Have you been around long enough to remember Shagrat? He's roughly halfway to TO from here as well but he hasn't been around the bar lately.


Summerbythelakeside said...

I do remember Shagrat. I'm thinking he de-lurked a few months back for a brief appearance, no?

Sounds like there's a fair number of us scattered around the Erie shoreline and nearby areas, eh?

Anonymous said...

just did this and it told me Dublin of all places-mighty strange-can't see myself as a Dubliner at all
